This year’s AVS Innovation Day on September 19, 2019 was a complete success!
Last week we were able to officially unveil and present our new genset innovations in exhaust gas stage V in the presence of almost 100 trade visitors: The new 75 kVA genset, powered by a dual fuel gas/petrol engine as well as our new 400 kVA genset in a new design with GRP hood. Both units are equipped with our new AVS operating concept with touch display. We will present the new gensets to you in detail in the next few days, but we don’t want to withhold the first pictures from you – here are a few impressions from the AVS Innovation Day 2019!
A big thank you also goes to all exhibitors who made this day a success! With their latest product presentations and technologies, they were once again a real added value for our AVS Innovation Day 2019!
THANK YOU – it was great!